The Bromley Adult Care Awards is back for 2024 with the awards ceremony taking place on 18 April 2024.

Recognising staff excellence

The Adult Care Awards on Thursday 18 April 2024 aims to shine a light and formally thank individuals for the extra miles they go to make sure our residents are safe, well looked after and able to live their best lives, no matter their circumstances.

As a council this is our opportunity to celebrate the Adult Social Care Workforce across Bromley and highlight the successes of staff in the borough and show our appreciation for the work they do.

Partner organisations delivering adult care in the borough are invited to nominate members of staff who they think should be honoured for their admirable commitment to adult social care in Bromley.

Nominations are now open

The deadline for those invited to make a nomination is by midnight on the 2 February 2024.

Virtual judging of the awards will take place and finalists will be shortlisted as per the 300 words account of why the nominee should win the award submitted in the nomination form.

For those who have been invited to nominate under the categories shown below, please make your nomination using the online form.

The winners will be announced on Thursday 18 April 2024. Tickets for the event will be available when the Award Ceremony booking is open.

Award Categories

The Diane Smith Award to Adult Care in Bromley

(For Outstanding Contribution to Adult Care in Bromley):

This special award will be presented to an individual who can demonstrate to the judges how they have made an outstanding contribution to enhance the lives of people by delivering person centred care whilst making a long-term outstanding contribution to adult social care.

The Team Award:

This award will be presented to the team who are able to best demonstrate a shared vision and agreed goals, with a team leader whose role is known and accepted and who takes personal responsibility for their tasks.

Teams should have an excellent communication process and each member’s skills should be recognised within the team. Demonstrating a commitment to dignity and privacy for clients and respect for team members is paramount.

The Worker Award:

This award recognises the significant role of the Care Worker in consistently providing a high-quality standard, for people living in their own homes wherever that is, attending Day Centres for Older People or people with Learning Disabilities and/or Floating Support Services.

Evidence of dedication, awareness of colleagues and career development through training will be important elements for the judges.

The Manager Award:

This award will be given to a manager who has demonstrated a high level of expertise together with exceptional skills in managing the complex business of running a care home, home care business, housing with support scheme, such as extra care housing or supported living. 

A manager who shows vision in developing person centred care and supporting staff to meet the ever-changing needs of the residents or service users.

The Recruitment Award:

This category recognises organisations who have adopted an innovative approach to recruitment

We are looking for good examples of recruitment strategies that recruit on values, promote diversity and inclusion to create a highly motivated and skilled workforce.

The Retention Award:

This category recognises organisations who have adopted an innovative approach to retention. 

We are looking for good examples of retention strategies that value and recognise excellence in the workplace and retain a highly motivated and skilled workforce.

Further information

Detailed information about the award categories.

All winners of the awards will automatically be entered into the nominations for the Great British Care Awards, which are a series of regional events throughout the UK celebrating excellence in the care sector.