Our continuing partnership with APCOA means that there are street-based patrols and checks happening across the borough, with officers able to promptly report and arrange clearance of incidents of fly-tipping, prevent cases of littering and dog fouling, and issue on-the-spot fixed penalty notices (FPN) to offenders where necessary.

Pay a fixed penalty notice (FPN) 

Uniformed Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers from Bromley Council, APCOA, and Ward Security are working across the borough to patrol our town centres, parks, open spaces, and high priority hot spots. We are operating a zero tolerance policy on litter, including discarded cigarette butts and chewing gum litter.

Since the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 became law, new measures have been introduced, enabling local authorities to fine anyone committing an envirocrime that damages the street scene. London councils have agreed set levels of fines to cover all of the London area.


A fixed penalty notice could be issued if you:

  • Abandon a vehicle in the street - see details of our free surrendered vehicle service
  • Cause damage through graffiti or fly posting
  • Drop litter, including cigarette ends, chewing gum, drinks cans, fast food packaging, or any other rubbish
  • Spit on the road, pavement, or any other public open space.
  • Deposit rubbish or flytip any material on the road, pavement, or any other public open space - remember that you must use a licensed waste carrier to dispose of waste not collected by us
  • Place your household rubbish or trade waste out for collection on the pavement unless you have a special dispensation from the council
  • Place your waste or trade waste in a public litter bin or do not ensure that your waste is properly contained
  • Fail to comply with a dog control order

Customer contact centre

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 0300 303 8658