The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives legal rights of access to non-personal information held by a public authority on submission of a written request.  When an individual or organisation makes a request, we must confirm or deny whether we have the information. Unless the information requested falls into one of several categories of exempt information, we must supply what has been requested.  If we refuse to provide some or all of the requested information on the grounds that it is exempt, we will explain the reason for doing so.

Is the information already available? 

A lot of information about the council and the way we carry out our business is already available on this website, also the council's publication scheme. To search for information, please use the A-Z or search box.  Some useful pages include: 

Constitution of the London Borough of Bromley
Council budgets and spending 
Council departments and organisational structure
Council Tax Subject Access and Freedom of Information Requests
Empty properties
National non-domestic rates - Freedom of Information
Payments to suppliers over £500
Register of Members' interests
Tenders and contracts

Make a request

Freedom of information

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8464 3333

Electoral Commission news

Electoral Commission cyber-attack