Ever feel frustrated about a problem that you see on your street and wonder how to get something done about it? You could help us keep your street clean and safe by letting us know when you see a problem, such as:
- graffiti and fly-posting
- dumped rubbish (fly-tipping)
- dumped vehicles
- overhanging vegetation
- litter and dirt
- faulty street lights
- road and pavement problems.
If you want to make a bigger impact, why not get together with your neighbours and work with us to organise a neighbourhood clear up?
We can help you by providing:
- equipment including litter pickers and purple sacks for collecting litter and autumn leaves
- contractors to collect the rubbish
All you need to do is register as a Street Friend. We can help you plan and organise your project, and we'll make sure that one of our officers will be available to assist you.
Some of our residents and residents' groups are already successfully working to improve their neighbourhoods. Join us with your local community to help us build a better Bromley!
Nominate a Street Friend
Nominate a Street Friend or a local Street Friends group, for their ongoing support in keeping Bromley free from litter.
Further information
You may like to find out more about our work with other volunteers like Snow Friends who help during the winter, Friends of Parks who care for local parks and green spaces or Tree Friends who support our work maintaining the borough's 36,000 street trees.