From 1 April 2013 the national Council Tax Benefit (CTB) scheme was abolished. All councils including Bromley have replaced it with their own local scheme called Council Tax Support (CTS).

Council Tax Support (CTS) is a local welfare benefit which helps working age people on a low income pay their council tax.

There are two types of Council Tax Support:

  • Main Council Tax Support is for people who are on a low income
  • Second Adult Rebate is for people who may not have a partner but who share their home with someone who is over 18, is on a low income and does not pay rent.

Council Tax Support is means tested. This means that we have to take into account your income, savings and investments when deciding whether you are entitled.

The scheme does not apply to retirement age pensioners who continue to receive the same level of support they would have received had the Council Tax Benefit scheme continued.

Current scheme

Current scheme From 1 April 2023 our scheme will provide working-age claimants with support of up to 70 percent of their council tax liability. Therefore, all working age residents will be required to pay a minimum of 30 percent of their liability. The scheme also restricts entitlement to band D council tax liability. All war pensions from the Veterans Agency are disregarded as income in the calculation for Council Tax Support

Any support awarded is credited directly to the council tax account with a new bill issued to confirm the revised amount to pay.

Making a claim

Apply for Council Tax Support 

If you are receiving Council Tax Support, you must tell us straightaway of any changes in circumstances.

View the Council Tax Support scheme policy document (PDF 1.15MB)

Council Tax discretionary discount

Discretionary discounts to council tax can be made if you can show you need extra help with your council tax, this funding is sometimes referred to as being from the council’s hardship fund. If you are not already in receipt of or had a decision for Council Tax Support within the last 3 months you need to apply for Council Tax Support prior to applying for this award.

Please ensure you apply for Council Tax Support before applying for a discretionary discount


Apply for discretionary discount

Council Tax Support scheme 2025/26

The consultation on the scheme closed on 27 December 2024. Thank you to all who responded.

The responses to the consultation will be reported to the councillors as part of the decision making process. Your name and address will only be used to validate that you are a Bromley resident and will not be used in the report to the councillors.

Council tax support