Bromley Children Project
Call us on 020 8461 7259 or email us
More information on the Bromley Children Project.
Children and Family Centres
More information on children and family centres.
Bromley and Croydon Women’s Aid
Empowering anyone suffering domestic abuse so they can make informed choices about their future and to help them gain the confidence, strength and self-respect needed to free themselves from abusive relationships.
Call 020 8313 9303 or visit
Bromley Brighter Beginnings
Distribution of prams, clothes, highchairs, nappies and toiletries to families in need living.
Adult social care services
Call 020 8461 7777 or report online at
Children’s social care services
Call 020 8461 7373, 020 8461 7379, 020 8461 7026 or email
Out of hours (after 5pm weekdays, all day on weekends and bank holidays)
For both adult and children’s social care.
Call 0300 303 8671.
Bromley drug and alcohol services
Helping people change the direction of their lives, grow as individuals, and live life to its full potential by tackling any drug or alcohol related behaviours.
Call 020 8289 1999 or visit
Bromley, Lewisham and Greenwich Mind
Help for anyone struggling with their mental health, or supporting someone who is.
Call 01689 811222 or visit
Bromley Therapy Hub
A collective of therapy advice, support and services for children, teenagers and young adults in Bromley.
Visit for more information.
Bromley Well
Support for young carers aged 4 to 19 to help the children manage caring relationships whilst enjoying their childhood.
Call 0808 278 7898 or visit
Bromley Y
Emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and families by enabling change, fostering resilience and helping them build healthy relationships.
Call 020 3770 8848 or visit
Clarion Housing Group
The UK’s largest housing association, owning and managing a significant number of homes across the borough.
Call 0300 500 8000 or visit
Home-Start Bromley
Help for families with at least one child under five years of age through a team of trained volunteers who provide practical and non-judgmental support for families.
Call 020 3665 9860 or visit
Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)
Free, impartial, confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children and young people up to age 25, and their parents and carers.
Call 020 8461 7630.
Relate (Bromley)
Confidential counselling for couples and individuals with relationship problems or difficulties.
Call 0300 003 3225 or visit
Sexual Health Bromley
A free, non-judgmental contraception and reproductive health service for men and women of all ages (including under 16).
Call 0300 330 5777 or visit
Talk Together Bromley
A free NHS evidence-based talking therapy service for people aged 18 years and over, who are anxious, stressed, have low mood or suffer from depression.
Call 0300 003 3000 or visit
Simply Connect Bromley
This database holds information on hundreds of social activities and groups which meet up regularly for people of all ages, and varying interests across the borough.
Visit the Simply Connect Bromley website.
Everyone needs other people, but not everyone has someone. For people who become isolated because of ill-health, disability, significant life changes or social disadvantage, being matched with a befriender often fills a big gap. Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. Around the UK there are befriending projects which organise effective support for children and young people, families, people with mental ill health, people with learning disabilities and older people, amongst many others.