If you are intending to demolish a building or structure which is over 50 cubic metres in volume, you will need to notify us You should give six weeks notice although we can usually deal with applications within 10 working days.

You will also need to apply for planning permission if the building is either in a conservation area or is statutorily listed, regardless of the size of the building. If you are unsure about the process for demolishing your building or need advice, please contact us.


The Building Act 1984 allows for buildings to be demolished but a number of organisations need to be informed so that health and safety requirements can be followed.

We need to be informed of the proposed demolition by letter or by e-mail. Please enclose a map or plan of the site, a description of the extent of the demolition work and the name and address of the demolition contractor. We will respond to a notification with a Notice under Section 80 of The Building Act and inform various agencies including:

If you do not notify us of your intention to demolish a building, we may need to investigate and consider taking legal action.

Building control

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8313 4313

Public protection

Telephone: 0300 303 8657