Ringers Road appeal public inquiry - Details

The Public Inquiry is scheduled to take place for up to eight days as follows;

16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26 July 2024.

The Appeal is made by Ringers Road Properties Ltd, against the London Borough of Bromley for the refusal of planning permission for the following development under reference 21/05585/FULL1;

2 to 4 Ringers Road and 5 Ethelbert Road: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a mixed use development comprising residential units, ancillary residents' facilities (including co-working space) and commercial floor space (Use Class E) across two blocks, along with associated hard and soft landscaping, amenity spaces, cycle and refuse storage (Revised scheme incorporating a second stair into Block A and Block B, internal layout and elevational changes, and changes to the on street parking bays and footpath along Ringers Road and Ethelbert Road).

Your attention is drawn to the copy of the Inspector’s case management conference summary note.

Case management conference summary note

There are core documents, which will be referred to throughout the inquiry.

Core documents