If you are a child or young adult who spends time supporting a member of your family or a friend with everyday tasks that they cannot manage because of an illness or a disability, then you are a young carer, and there is support available for you.

Some of the ways young people care for someone are:

  • Staying in the house a lot to be there for them
  • Helping them to get up, get washed or dressed, or helping with toileting
  • Doing lots of the household chores like shopping, cleaning and cooking
  • Looking after younger brothers and sisters
  • Managing the family budget and collecting prescriptions
  • Providing emotional support or a shoulder to cry on
  • Helping someone communicate or take the medicines

Finding support in Bromley

Being a young carer can affect a young person’s social life and even health. But young people can learn lots of useful skills by being a young carer. Young carers can be particularly vulnerable and in need of specialist support and advice.

Bromley Well provides support for young carers aged 4 to 19 .

Some of the services provided are

  • Opportunities to meet with other young carers, have fun, discuss any worries and try out new activities
  • Emotional support
  • Counselling by a professional counsellor
  • Training courses / workshops
  • Online support
  • Peer support groups
  • Leisure activities
  • A young carers forum
  • Support for preparing for adulthood

Find out more about Bromley Well services for young carers

Get in touch

To speak to a friendly advisor, no matter what your need, call freephone 0808 278 7898 or complete a form on their website.