We want everyone to feel confident that we have an open and honest system of local governance and that our councillors maintain the high standards expected of them. If anyone - which can include an employee, a member of the public or even another councillor - feels that behaviour by a councillor or co-opted member of the Council may have fallen short of the required standard they need to tell us about this so our Standards Committee members can consider their complaint.
Complaint about a councillor
If you want to make a complaint against a coucillor please look at the councillors code of conduct first.
You will need to provide further information about the nature of the complaint, which part of the code you think the councillor has breached and how, and, where possible, any supporting evidence you have.
You can make a complaint by completing our complaints form or alternatively write to the Monitoring Officer, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH.