Nominated Neighbour scheme

The Nominated Neighbour scheme is designed  to let a trusted neighbour, relative or friend help an elderly or vulnerable person to deal with unexpected or unrecognised callers at their door. This will help protect them from bogus callers. (Anybody who attempts to enter a home by tricking or confusing the householder).

Many people look out for their neighbours and help older and more vulnerable people as necessary. For some, putting this on a more ‘formal’ footing is comforting, knowing that they can call on a trusted person if they are troubled or confused by someone calling at their door, for instance.

Role of a nominated neighbour

  • Your neighbour will write your address onto their Nominated Neighbour card.
  • If someone they do not recognise knocks on your neighbour’s door they will display the card. This will re-direct the caller to your home.
  • When they call at your door, check their identity. Do not let them into your home.
  • If you are happy that the caller is genuine, return with them to your neighbour’s home. Secure your property before you leave.
  • Once you arrive at your neighbour’s home, stay with the caller until they have finished their business.
  • Ensure all doors are secured in the property so nobody else can enter undetected.
  • Do not leave the caller alone (unless they request privacy).
  • Once the caller has finished their business escort them off the premises.
  • A genuine caller will not mind waiting while you check their identity

What happens if you are not home when your neighbour has a caller?

The caller may return to your neighbour’s house. Your neighbour should ask the caller to put in writing the date and time that they next plan to call.

Safer Bromley Partnership

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8313 4395

Fax: 020 8313 4550