Council Tax and Benefits
Please choose from the options below
- Council tax and benefits enquiry form (difficulty making payments and for all or other Council tax and benefit enquiries)
- Council tax change of address
- Council tax new occupier
- Council Tax Discretionary Reduction form
Council tax online;
- MyBromley Account - Help
- MyBromley Account - Change/Forgotten password
- MyBromley Account - Request a call back
- MyBromley Account - Update your address
- MyBromley Account - Delete account request
- My Bromley Account - Frequently asked questions
- Request a copy of your council tax bill
- Apply for a council tax refund
- Benefits contact form
- Welfare fund application
- Fraud report
- Housing Benefit change of address
- Discretionary Housing payment
Apply for a Council tax discount for;
- Single person discount
- Severe mental impairment
- Caring for a disabled person
- School leaver under 20 years of age
- Reductions for people with disabilities
- Person resident in hospital, nursing home or residential care
- Discount for a care worker
- Member of a religious community
- Member of the visiting forces
- For a person in detention
- For an apprentice
- For non-British spouses of students
- Student discount
- Disabled persons discount