- Description
- Academy school, 3 form entry with 622 pupils in 7 year groups.
- Pupil age range
- 5-11 years
- Department for Education number
- 305 2010
- Address
- Chamberlain Crescent, West Wickham
- Postcode
- Map
- Telephone
- 020 8819 6996
- oaklodge@mslt.org.uk
- Head / Principal
- Mrs. D. Lowton
- Chair of Governors
- Mr. J. Ashforth
- Ofsted report
- http://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/142298
- DofE performance report
- https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/142298/oak-lodge-primary-school
- SEND information reports
- https://www.oaklodgeprimaryschool.org/page/?title=SEN&pid=41
- Website
- https://www.oaklodgeprimaryschool.org/