Food+ Bromley
Food+ Bromley was launched by Citygate Church in December 2012 as its compassionate initiative, aiming to meet the material and emotional needs of vulnerable individuals and families in Bromley. We do this by running an independent food bank for people across our local community referred to us by local organisations and charities. We also work with victims of domestic abuse, refugees, or those struggling with psychological or physical challenges. We provide our clients with an individual box of food containing fresh fruit vegetables, tinned goods, as well as toiletries and household cleaning products. We also aim to help make a difference to peoples lives by offering practical support and coordinating volunteers. We are committed to our vision of a local community where every individual including the vulnerable, irrespective or circumstance, feels secure and has the means to thrive. Our mission is to offer our clients support by inviting community organisations to come together to engage or partner with our work in tackling the root causes of poverty.
Contact address
Citygate Church, 22 Rectory Road, Beckenham, BR3 1JA
Organisation e-mail
Opening times
Saturday 15:00 to 17:00; during coronavirus lockdown deliveries available.
Advice and support;Foodbanks
Organisation type
Record updated

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