- Name
- James Dixon Primary Nursery Class (Pre-school) (vacancies)
- Description
- Pre-school - from 3 years to 4 years with vacancies
- Address
- James Dixon Primary School, William Booth Road, London
- Postcode
- SE20 8BW
- Telephone
- 020 8778 6101
- Map
- jdpoffice@swale.at
- Open hours
- 8.30am-3.15pm
- I offer funded childcare places
- Yes
- SEND Local Offer Email
- localoffer@bromley.gov.uk
- SEND Local Offer Website
- https://www.bromley.gov.uk/LocalOffer
- Latest inspection
- 13/02/2013 - ISI - EYFS - Good (ISI Inspection)