- Name
- Penge Community Pre-school (Pre-school) (vacancies)
- Description
- Pre-school - from Birth to 4 years with vacancies
- Address
- Anerley Methodist Church, Oakfield Road, Penge, London
- Postcode
- SE20 8QA
- Telephone
- 020 8289 6771
- Mobile
- 07814 540542
- Map
- pcpreschoolse20@outlook.com
- Open hours
- 9.15am - 4pm Mon-Fri
- I offer funded childcare places
- Yes
- SEND Local Offer Email
- localoffer@bromley.gov.uk
- SEND Local Offer Website
- https://www.bromley.gov.uk/LocalOffer
- SEND Local Offer
Wheelchair access
Disabled/accessible toilet
Visual timetable
- Latest inspection
- 10/07/2023 - Ofsted - Inspection (Early Years Register) - Good