- Name
- St Francis Pre-School (Pre-school) (vacancies)
- Description
- Pre-school - from 2 years to 5 years with vacancies
- Address
- St. Francis Church Hall, Ravenswood Avenue, WEST WICKHAM, Kent
- Postcode
- BR4 0PW
- Telephone
- 07719 397 637
- Mobile
- 07719 397 637
- Map
- stfrancispreschool21@gmail.com
- Open hours
- 8am to 3pm Mon-Thurs, 8am to 12 noon Fri
- I offer funded childcare places
- Yes
- SEND Local Offer Email
- localoffer@bromley.gov.uk
- SEND Local Offer Website
- https://www.bromley.gov.uk/LocalOffer
- Latest inspection
- 13/09/2023 - Ofsted - Inspection (Early Years Register) - Good