Domestic abuse support services

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Cover your tracks

If you or someone else in in immediate danger always call 999

Non-urgent crime to police - 101 or report online

How to make a silent phone call to the police

How to make a silent 999 call to the Metropolitan Police

Bromley and Croydon Women’s Aid (BCWA)

BCWA offer free support and advice to all Bromley residents and council staff who have experience domestic abuse.

To speak with someone trained to provide you with emotional and practical support: 

One Stop Shop (SPA) - a phone drop-in service providing housing and legal advice.  Every Thursday 1:30pm to 4pm on mainline number -  ask for One Stop Shop.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Support line for victims of domestic abuse including Refuge support – open all day, every day

NDAH offers advice and support to victims of domestic abuse including legal guidance, help with housing and finance and support in protecting victims and their children. The phone line is 24/7, 365 days a year.

ManKind Initiative

Mankind provides a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse as well as their family and friends.  Mankind offers information, support and signposting men experiencing domestic abuse form their current or former partner.

Women and Girls Network (WGN)

Women and Girls Network’s Sexual Violence Helpline offers free and confidential emotional support for anyone in London who self identifies as a woman (aged 14+) and has been affected by any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives.

The helpline number is 0808 801 0770 and is open Monday to Friday 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm. The helpline also provides out of hours support on Wednesday evenings during 6pm to 9pm


The aim of this service is to provide efficient housing advice and resettlement support to LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic abuse

Hollie Guard app

Download the Hollie Guard app as an extra means of protection. The app has two modes that can help you raise an alarm if you are in a dangerous situation.

The idea of deterrent mode is to make it clear to anyone in your surrounding area that an alert has been raised and to reduce the risk of an attack. The phone will display an obvious red alert screen capturing your GPS location, as well as audio/video footage that may be used to assess danger and collate evidence.

With a second shake of the phone it will generate a high-pitched alarm and a flashing light to attract help.

Alternately, stealth mode allows you to raise an alert silently while displaying a default home screen that would look inconspicuous to the attacker, thereby giving the impression that no alarm has been triggered. This feature is useful in certain situations in which raising an alert could increase the risk of harm if the assailant becomes aware that an alert has been triggered.

Ask for ANI

Pharmacies across Bromley are supporting victims of domestic abuse through the Ask for ANI scheme. When a someone uses the codeword “ANI” or asks for help, the member of staff will ask the victim to accompany them to a consultation room. They will then check whether the victim is in danger and wants the police to be called.

If so, the staff member will offer the use of a phone to dial 999 or make the call on the victim’s behalf. This may be the only opportunity for a victim to contact the police and get immediate help, but in some cases the victim may not need emergency help and the staff member will assist them to contact a national domestic abuse helpline or local support service. They may also contact the police via 101.

Ask for Angela

The safety initiative ‘Ask for Angela’ is being rolled out to bars, clubs and other licensed businesses across London. People who feel unsafe, vulnerable, or threatened can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’.

This code phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist them. This might be through reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi, or by calling venue security and/or the police. 

Safe and the city app

Keep safe on the go ( app helps people get real-time notifications from official sources to know what's ahead and how to plan your next move:

  • Reach emergency services wherever you are.
  • Shows the best walking and public transit routes rated by people like you so you are shown the best way.
  • Share any incident, where and when they happen on the app to protect your friends and the people around you on Whatsapp, Messenger, SMS, Twitter or preferred social media.

Suzy Lampard and National stalking helpline

Operated by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, the National Stalking Helpline gives practical information, support, and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family and professionals working with victims.

Bromley Adult Safeguarding Board

DA practitioners library

Fathers to Fathers Programme

Delivered by Home Start Bromley

Support for behaviour change in perpetrators of domestic abuse

Fathers to Fathers is an intervention delivered by Home Start Bromley, the programme is a support package of the 17 week Caring for Dad’s programme and 6 months of father-to-father mentoring for fathers who have either displayed domestic abusive behaviour towards their partner or have used physical chastisement on their children.

The programme supports fathers in understanding how they can improve their interactions with their families and provide nurturing and child centred parenting practices to their children.

Victim Support Bromley

Call 020 7277 1433 or visit

Victim Support help anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. They support victims to feel safer and more secure, understand their rights and find ways to cope.

Young People: Victim Support also supports children and young people who have been affected by crime. They can also support parents and professionals who work with children and young people.

IVA and IDVA’s: IVA (Independent Victim Advocates) and IDVA;s (Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate) including specialist teams such as Ashraya (housing project for male victims and the BAME Team.

iMatter programme: For women aged 16 and over who have been or are current victims of domestic abuse (not high risk)

Safer Space+: Support service for children and young people affected by domestic abuse 5-18. One to one and workshops available.

Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA)

SEA provides victims of domestic abuse advice and support around economic abuse, including a support line, survivors forum, tools and economic abuse guides.

Call 0808 1968845 or visit the surviving economic abuse website.

Rights of Women

Rights of Women provide women lawyers offering free specialist legal advice to women survivors on their advice lines including family, criminal and immigration law. They provide interpreter support on request.

Call 020 7608 1137, email or visit

FLOWS – Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors

FLOWS is a team of experts from the Family Team of the Royal Courts of Justice RCJ Advice, working in partnership with Rights of Women.

Their network of trusted and fully vetted advisers includes experienced solicitors and law clinics, Citizen Advice services, front-line professionals in women’s refuges, women’s aid organisations, and organisations that provide safe environments for domestic abuse survivors.

Call 020 3745 7707, email or visit

Respect Men’s advice line

There are a range of services available for men who have been affected by domestic abuse that provide emotional and practical help, understand rights and options and safely leave an abusive relationship.

The Information Hub has been created to help men find contacts to their local domestic abuse service, access refuges for male victims and links to various organisations offering specialised support for other areas of need.

Call 0808 802 4040, email or visit

Respect Perpetrator Support

Respect have been leading work with perpetrators of domestic abuse for over 20 years, aiming to keep survivors safe and hold perpetrators accountable – whilst offering them meaningful opportunities to change.

Their interventions support perpetrators in the early stages of abuse, and those using high harm behaviours. Respect recognise that a range of interventions are needed to meet the needs of perpetrators.

Call 0808 802 4040, email or visit


IKWRO supports Black minority, Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls who are living in the UK. IKWRO advisors speak Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Turkish, and English.

IKWRO give advice on issues including “honour” based abuse, forced marriage, child marriage, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, separation and divorce, child residence and contact, housing and benefits.
IKWRO offers free counselling to black minorities women and girls.

Call 020 7920 6460, email or visit

For out-of-hours emergencies call: 07846 275246 (Kurdish / Arabic / English) or 07846 310157 (Farsi / Dari / English)

Southall Black Sisters

Southall Black Sisters also run a project that provides temporary financial support to those with no recourse to public funds and will be able to provide advice on accessing what other limited support is available for abused women with insecure immigration status.

Call 020 8571 0800, email or

Galop – LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Support

Galop helplines are open to anyone LGBTQ+ in the UK, as well as friends, family members, and professionals who may be concerned about an LGBTQ+ person who is facing abuse. Galop supports adult and young LGBTQ+ people who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, so-called conversion therapies, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, and other forms of abuse.

Call 0800 999 5428, email or visit


Confidential services provide information and support to an older person or anyone concerned about an older person who is at risk of, experiencing or recovering from any form of abuse or neglect.

Call 0808 808 8141 or text the helpline 07860 052 906.

Email or visit

Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS)

A social enterprise set up to support parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing Child to Parent Abuse (including those with adult offspring).

Email or visit

Sign Health

Domestic abuse support for the Deaf community

  • Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)
  • Deaf YPVA (Young People’s Violence Advisor)
  • Working with women’s refuges to provide support to Deaf women
  • Referral when necessary to SignHealth’s one-to-one psychological therapy in British Sign Language
  • Survivor Workshops for Deaf women

Guidance on laws, policy and practice to ensure the needs of Deaf people at risk of domestic abuse are recognised and fully met.

Call 07800 003421, email or visit

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC)

RASASC provides support to women and girls who have experienced sexual abuse

The national Rape Crisis helpline (24/7) for women and girls, across England and Wales aged 13 years and over.

Counselling 1-1, Group and Play Therapy for women and girls aged 4 years and over.

Advocacy for women and girls aged 12 years and over who have or who are thinking about reporting to the police.

Outreach support for women who face additional marginalisation and barriers to accessing support.

Training for practitioners and organisations working across multi-agency settings and prevention with children and young people in education and youth settings.

Call 0808 500 2222 or visit

Revenge Porn Helpline

Supports adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn

The Helpline was established in 2015 alongside the legislation which made it an offence to share intimate images or videos of someone, either on or offline, without their consent with the intention of causing distress.

Outreach support for women who face additional marginalisation and barriers to accessing support.

Training for practitioners and organisations working across multi-agency settings and prevention with children and young people in education and youth settings.

Call 0345 6000 459, email or visit