Electoral Register canvasser recruitment

The Electoral Registration officer is looking to appoint temporary canvassers to help maintain the electoral register.

This role is carried out from August to October each year.

How to apply

Please read the job details and if you wish to be considered for the role, please apply.

Apply for canvasser role.

As part of your application, you will be asked which area(s) you are interested in working in. Please be as flexible as possible with this, as we cannot guarantee you will be allocated to your preferred area.

Job details

Every year the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) has a legal duty to undertake a canvass of all households and produce a revised Register of Electors by 1 December.

To meet their legal obligations, the ERO employs a team of temporary/sessional canvassers to contact certain households and named individuals who have not responded to communications sent to them.

Canvassers are allocated specific canvass area(s) and are required to make at least two personal visits, at different days/times, to these non-responding properties/individuals. Visits are undertaken to assist with the completion of forms and/or to encourage those people not registered to do so. The work is conducted during a set period and must be fully completed by the end of the period.

Canvassers are also expected to complete all necessary paperwork documenting the time and day of their visits and to identify new or empty properties in their areas.

Canvassers are required to submit completed forms each week to the electoral services office, Civic Centre, Bromley.

Canvassers are supported by the electoral services office and must be contacted if there are any difficulties in completing the work. It is the responsibility of each canvasser to maintain regular communication with the office.

You must be over 18 and mandatory training (via Microsoft Teams) will be provided.


Payment is based on performance and the full completion of a canvasser’s work.

Canvassers are paid a fee for each form. along with a fee for attending training and correctly completing any paperwork provided as part of the role.

Payment amounts are under review and will be provided before a canvasser starts their employment.

Payment will be made directly into your bank account before Christmas (usually around 23 December) following the completion of the work and the submission of all necessary paperwork.

A minimum standard and number of returns are expected and as a result any canvasser failing to meet the requirements of their contract may face termination from their employment, without payment.

Canvasser’s work is checked against information from other sources and anyone found to be deliberately falsifying information may face criminal action.

Relevant dates for 2024

Training - week commencing 16 September 2024

Canvassing period 27 September - 1 November 2024

Skills required

Please see the job description and  person specification for the required skills/abilities required for the role. Please give any relevant experience or information that may support your application, with specific regard to this on your application.

Further information

Applications cannot be acknowledged and unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

The ERO has to comply with legislation to prevent the employment of illegal workers. If you are not employed by the London Borough of Bromley you will be asked to provide your passport and/or any other relevant supporting documentation to confirm that you are entitled to work in the UK.

If you are registered unemployed you are strongly advised to consult your Jobcentre Plus office before you accept any offer of employment from us - taking up temporary employment as a canvasser may affect your entitlement to benefits.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Electoral Register canvassers