Bromley Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for the borough, our main role is to co-ordinate local flood risk management, in particular flood risk from smaller watercourses, surface water and groundwater and this includes:

  • recording and investigating flood incidents within the borough
  • maintaining a register of structures that drain surface water and have significant impact on flood risk within the borough
  • controlling development within the borough so as to minimise flood impact
  • co-ordinate local agencies with surface water drainage responsibilities.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

As a Lead Local Flood Authority we produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). 

Flood and Water Management legislation

The co-ordination role for local authorities was defined by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and followed the national flood events of 2007. You can check flood risk warnings by visiting the Environment Agency website.

You can also sign up to get flood warnings including groundwater levels, by phone, email or text message if your home or business is at risk of flooding.

Flood mapping for surface water

Updated Flood Mapping for Surface Water (uFMfSW) is a requirement of the Flood Risk regulations 2009. You can view surface water flood risk maps for the Bromley area on the Environment Agency website.

Managing ordinary watercourse activities

We make sure that watercourses are kept clear of obstructions to prevent flooding. This involves giving consent for work to be carried out and we will take enforcement action if work is unacceptable. In Bromley the following rivers are defined as main rivers and fall under the responsibility of the Environment Agency:

  • River Pool
  • Chaffinch Brook
  • The Beck
  • The Ravensbourne
  • River Quaggy
  • Kyd Brook
  • River Cray

All other watercourses are classed as ordinary watercourses and fall under the responsibility of Bromley LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority).

If you own land above or with a watercourse running through it, you are a ‘riparian owner’ and have responsibilities. You must make sure that the watercourse is maintained and all obstructions (natural or otherwise) are cleared so the normal flow of water is not blocked.

If you want to do any works to an ordinary watercourse you will need our permission before starting work. Please contact us via email:

Flood Risk Management Team