How the council investigates pest complaints

The council has specific legal powers within the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949, to take steps to ensure that owners and occupiers of land keep their land free from large numbers of rats and mice. The legislation provides the council with powers to require the owner or occupier of land infested by rats or mice to take any steps that are deemed to be necessary to deal with the infestation.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 we can investigate whether insects emanating from a commercial premises are causing a statutory nuisance.

The council can also investigate whether a premises is in a verminous state and give notice to the owner or occupier to remedy this. Failure to remedy can result in legal action and the council undertaking the works in default, recouping charges borne from the person responsible.   


If you want to report a pest control matter arising from a property you do not own, please complete our pest issue report form, where you also able to upload photos and reports. Alternatively you can phone us on 0300 303 8657.

Information on reporting a pest matter within your rented property (tenants)

Further information

There is detailed information about the different types of pests and advice about how you can deal with them.

Pest advice web links

Japanese knotweed