Gender pay report table of results

Pay rates Gender pay gap - the difference between women's pay and men's pay as a percentage of men's pay (minus % means women have higher pay, positive % means men have higher pay
Mean hourly rate (Male hourly rate - Female hourly rate) / Male hourly rate x100 15.3%
Median hourly rate (as above calc but for median hourly rates) 9.3%
Pay quartiles Women Men Total
Proportion of women and men in the upper quartile (paid above the 75th percentile point) 67% 33% 100%
Proportion of women and men in the upper middle quartile (paid above the median and at or below the 75th percentile point) 77% 23% 100%
Proportion of women and men in the lower middle quartile (paid above the 25th percentile point and at or below the median) 79% 21% 100%
Proportion of women and men in the lower quartile (paid below the 25th percentile point) 83% 17% 100%
Bonus pay Bonus Gender Pay Gap - the difference between women's bonus and men's bonus as a % of men's bonus
Mean bonus 1.6%
Median bonus 100%
Bonuses paid
Women paid bonus as % of all women 38%
Men paid bonus as % of all men 38%