The headcount on 1 October 2024 was 1675. The FTE on the same date was 1519.04.
Age profile
3 percent of the workforce were 25 and under.
15 percent of the workforce were 26 to 35.
21 percent of the workforce were 36 to 45.
27 percent of the workforce were 46 to 55.
26 percent of the workforce were 56 to 65.
8 percent of the workforce were 65+.
56.1 percent of the workforce are white.
25.31 percent of the workforce are BMA.
18.59 percent of the workforce declined to classify or this information is unknown.
4.19 percent of the workforce have declared a disability.
45.52 percent of the workforce have declared non-disability.
50.29 percent of the workforce have declined to classify or this information is unknown.
Gender profile
76.22 percent of the workforce is female.
23.78 percent of the workforce is male.
Staff who live in the borough
47.42 percent of the workforce live within the borough.
52.58 percent of the workforce live outside the borough.