Approved and matched Encompass Families can receive up to £1,000 per week.

Register your interest in becoming part of an Encompass Family and begin your journey in joining a Therapeutic Initiative providing support for Bromley families, and children and young people with complex needs.

Encompass trains and provides bespoke family units to allow children and young people to move from residential homes into a family home where care is therapeutic, specialised, consistent, and safe to help them reach their full potential.

If you are interested in joining and have fostering experience and a spare room, register your interest with us or contact our team to have a chat where you can learn more and have your questions answered.

Information sessions are also held online via Microsoft Teams which you are welcome to join, so contact the team to learn when the next one will be.

Information sessions

Our friendly and experienced Encompass Therapeutic Fostering team welcomes anyone with an interest to join one of our online information sessions. Held on Microsoft Teams, the sessions typically last an hour and are an opportunity to learn more about Encompass' specialist work, the support and training on offer, and the criteria for joining.

Please see dates and times for the upcoming sessions and if you are interested in joining please contact the team at or call 0208 461 7123.

Upcoming information sessions:

  • Friday 13 December (10am to 11am)
  • Tuesday 14 January 2025 (4pm to 5pm)
  • Thursday 30 January 2025 (11am to 12pm)
  • Monday 10 February 2025 (1pm to 2pm)
  • Friday 28 February 2025 (1pm to 2pm)
  • Thursday 13 March 2025 (10am to 11am)
  • Wednesday 26 March 2025 (12pm to 1pm)


Referrals made by existing foster carers with Bromley Council will receive £1,000 worth of vouchers if their referral leads to an applicant successfully being approved to join Encompass Therapeutic Fostering. Please send your referrals to