We know that our foster carers are our greatest asset and we recognise that it is vital to support them fully.

We provide the best training and support to our foster carers to make sure that our standards of care are met, along with a top of the scale weekly pay and maintenance allowance.

Professional support available, 24/7

Once you approved as a foster carer, we provide professional support for you and your family from an allocated supervising social worker, who will visit and call on a regular basis. You will also receive support from the child’s social worker, who will also visit you and your foster children regularly. Additional, we provide 24-hour telephone support from our out-of-hours Duty Team.

Wider support groups

You can also become a member of the Bromley Foster Care Association. You will also have a membership to the Fostering Network, including legal membership.

Training and other support

We provide a comprehensive training programme to our foster carers which is provided locally to make it easier for you. We will also provide special equipment where necessary – such as for a disabled children.

You will also have access to specialist support services, including education and health professionals.

Financial support

Bromley carers receive top of the scale weekly pay and maintenance allowances. The maintenance allowance covers the full cost of looking after a child, including a contribution to household expenses, leisure, clothes and transport.

Rates for short break carers are available on request.

In addition to the maintenance allowance, fully approved carers also receive a professional fee

Extra financial support

We also make extra payments for holidays, at Christmas and for a foster child's birthday to help meet additional costs at these times.

Carers looking after children and young people with a disability may also be entitled to claim other state benefits, including Disability Living Allowance. The Fostering Network website provides a range of further information on benefits available to foster carers.

Increased payments are made to carers who foster young parents and their babies and generally, all the equipment needed for the baby is provided through the fostering service for all young parents under 18.

Additional allowances may also be available to help cover costs related to:

  • initial clothing and school uniforms
  • some equipment
  • passports and documents
  • some babysitting costs
  • travel expenses

A retainer may be payable for up to 8 weeks during periods where a foster carer doesn't have a child placed with them, as long as carers are available and willing to accept appropriate placements.

There are also beneficial arrangements in place for tax and pensions whilst being a foster carer. For further information about the impact of fostering on tax, pensions and benefits please see our fostering FAQ page or visit the fostering pages on GOV.UK .

At Bromley we reward our carers when they help us to recruit more fantastic foster carers to look after our children. Each carer's household will be paid a £500 reward for each fostering household they recruit, after they have been approved by our panel. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about additional payments, retainers or recruitment rewards.

Foster Carers Handbook

The handbook reflects policies, procedure and guidance for the fostering service which cover many common situations faced by foster carers on a day to day basis.

It has been written in an accessible way to help you understand the sort of things that your fostering service requires of you.

It has been designed for new and existing foster carers and deals with the day to day practicalities you may face.

Find out more

Fostering FAQ's

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about fostering for Bromley

Let's talk

Complete our contact form to discover all there is to know about becoming a foster parent. We’ll give you a call, when’s it’s convenient for you, answer your questions, and go from there.

Or if you’re free now, why not give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact fostering team

Address: Fostering Team, Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8461 7701