Household Support Fund application and criteria

You can now apply for Household Support Funds, with the fund closing on 30 September 2024 or sooner, with applications welcome whilst funds last.

Who can claim this support? 

Funding is aimed at anyone who could be seen as being vulnerable, or be in crisis or hardship, and is struggling to pay for essential items.

You do not need to be receiving benefits to make an application. If you receive benefits, they will not be affected if you are awarded support from the Household Support Fund scheme. 

Money has been set aside to support: 

1. Families in receipt of free school meals – families in these circumstances will receive vouchers from the Household Support Fund for the school holiday period. 
Families in receipt of free school meals do not need to apply for these vouchers, which will be distributed by the school.

2. Households in receipt of council tax support, with council tax arrears – households in these circumstances will be contacted directly if they are eligible for support.

Households who are entitled to an award for council tax support from the Household Support Fund should be aware that if they also have made an application for support from the Household Support Fund for utilities and food costs, this will impact of the value of their award for council tax support.

3. Households in temporary accommodation with housing support – households in these circumstances will be contacted directly if they are eligible for support.

All other households can apply for support with utilities and food costs providing they meet the eligibility criteria. 

Am I eligible to apply? 

To apply for support, you will need to be over the age of 16, a Bromley borough resident and have not already received an award from April 2024.  At least one of the following should apply to your household:  

  • a family with school age children  
  • a care leaver  
  • a household who considers themselves as having a disability, including dementia or a mental health condition 
  • a domestic abuse survivor 
  • a carer  
  • a low-income household 
  • a pensioner 
  • a household experiencing exceptional financial hardship  

In addition, you will need to be experiencing one or more of the following and able to provide evidence of: 

  • Utility arrears  
  • Rent or Mortgage arrears 
  • Council tax arrears  
  • or evidence of other significant financial hardship  

How do I apply for support?  

To apply for support, you will need to complete an online application. You can apply for help yourself or on behalf of someone else who may be eligible.  It is important that multiple applications are not submitted for a household. 

You may be required to provide evidence in support of your claim which you can upload as part of the application process.  Alternatively, you can submit your evidence in support of your application by email or post.    

Applications without the required supporting evidence will not be processed.  

Examples of supporting evidence are: 

  • Statement/bill from your utility provider  
  • Statement or letter from your landlord or mortgage lender  
  • Council Tax arrears letter   
  • Bank Statement for a full calendar month 
  • Debt Collection Agency letter 

Can I get support with making my application?  

We only accept applications through our website. If you need support with making an online application, you can ask a family member, friend or a professional to complete an application on your behalf.  
Alternatively, you can call our helpline on 020 8461 7999 and a member of the Household Support Fund Team will assist you. Our helpline is open Monday to Thursday between 9am - 12 noon.   

What support is available?  

Applicants that meet the eligibility criteria and have provided the required supporting evidence can choose to receive either a £150 Virtual Payment Card via email which can be used for online or over the phone payments or a Sainsbury’s supermarket gift card to the value of £150 by post to use in-store.  This is a one-off award per round of funding.  Multiple applications from an individual or household will not be accepted.    

We must make sure that all applications are made legitimately - If you falsely declare your circumstances, provide a false statement, or provide false evidence in support of your application, you may have committed an offence under the Fraud Act 2006.  We have a zero-tolerance approach to fraud and financial irregularity.  We are making anti-fraud checks, and all suspicions of fraud will be investigated.  

How will I know what the Council’s decision is?  

Once you have completed your online application, a member of the Household Support Fund Team will assess your eligibility and may contact you should further information be needed or to clarify your answers. You can expect to receive a response within 15 working days of making your application if you have provided all the required information.  You will receive notification of our decision by email or post.  

Find out what Government support is available to help with the cost of living.  

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