Annual Public Health Report 2024 - Suicide prevention

Each year, the Director of Public Health has a statutory duty to produce an Annual Public Health Report looking at the health and wellbeing of the community. The purpose of this year’s report is to inform and raise awareness about suicide and suicide prevention.

Suicide remains a significant public health issue, both in the UK and internationally. The effects of suicide are profound and far-reaching, affecting families, friends and both local and wider communities.

This report uses a variety of data to determine the prevalence of suicide and its impact, both nationally and locally, as well as highlighting some of the support services and interventions that are currently available to local residents and those in need. We hope that healthcare and local authority professionals, and wider stakeholders, can use the information contained within this document to inform future suicide prevention efforts.

The Public Health Team at the London Borough of Bromley will use the information detailed within this report to inform our future Suicide Prevention Plan and build upon the work that has previously been undertaken with external partners and colleagues.

Please note, this report contains sensitive content about suicide and suicide prevention. We have included contact details of services and organisations on pages 16 to 19 for those seeking support or further information in relation to these issues.

Download the Annual Public Health Report 2024 (PDF - 577.76 KB)

Previous Annual Public Health Reports