Our Housing Options and Support Service will provide you with housing advice and assistance on your housing related query or homelessness issue. We can help you if you are:

  • Homeless today
  • Rough sleeping or have insecure housing
  • Struggling with rent or mortgage payments
  • Served with a notice or your tenancy is coming to an end
  • Fleeing domestic abuse
  • Struggling to stay in your home and need help or support to do so

We will provide housing advice and develop a plan with you to address your housing issues. We will discuss a range of housing solutions to ensure you know the options available to you.

The council will not provide emergency accommodation to everyone who is homeless, but we will always try to prevent you from becoming homeless. If this is not possible, we will try to find a solution and find you a safe place to stay. We will work with other agencies and organisations to ensure we provide you with the services you need to prevent or relieve your homelessness or help you to live in your current accommodation.

What to do if you think you may become homeless

For us to help you with your homelessness issue, you will need to complete the housing options assessment form. If you need any assistance with completing this form please email us on housing.options@bromley.gov.uk or contact us on 0208 313 4098. You can also ask a family member, friend, or support worker to help you with this. If you want us to talk with anyone else in regard to your application, please let us know, by explaining this on your form.

To assist us with your application you are asked to upload as much information as possible in relation to yourself, your family and your housing situation. This could include identification documents, income, education and health information and all the documents about your housing situation.

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your housing matter you can call us on 0208 313 4098 from 1pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday or email us at housing.options@bromley.gov.uk.

If you need housing assistance, outside of normal hours, please call the council’s emergency housing service on: 0300 303 8671. (This service is available between 5:30 pm and 8.45am Monday to Friday and 5:30pm Friday to 8.45am Monday.)

Accessing temporary accommodation.

Who can get help

Advice for homeless people and those threatened with homelessness is available from our Housing Options Team and the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) in the borough. Our duties towards homeless people are set out in law. The council must provide advice and help anyone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The help given depends on the person`s circumstances and whether the council has a duty to ensure that they get accommodation. You will need to be eligible and homeless to access housing assistance. To find out more about more about your eligibility for housing, please see the following information: Statutory Homeless.

Victims of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is any incident of coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between those aged 16 years old or over who are or who have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse or any type of violence the Housing Options and Support Service will provide help and advice, working with specialist services to ensure you receive the most appropriate housing solution, and support as quickly as possible. We can also assist you to stay in your home, by making it safe through the Sanctuary Scheme.

For more information, please visit:

Domestic abuse – London Borough of Bromley

About Us - DVIP | Domestic Violence Intervention Project

Home | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline (nationaldahelpline.org.uk)

Bromley and Croydon Women's Aid (bcwa.org.uk)

The Duty to Refer requires public authorities in England such as social services, hospitals and prisons to notify local housing authorities of any people using their services who may be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It is important that agencies make these referrals to us so that we can prevent and relieve homelessness effectively.

Find out more and how to make a referral.

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government guide to duty to refer.