Bromley Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) - 10 to 16 years old - Overview

If you think you need more help:

  • At school or college
  • With your health
  • With caring for yourself

Then we can support you:

  • On the phone
  • Via text
  • Face-to-face* (* in private if wanted)

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Support at school

School can be difficult.

Our advice will give you ideas to help you cope with those difficulty times.

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Coping in lessons

Lessons are all part of going to school.

However, they can be worrying and stressful sometimes.

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Not feeling good?

Many people struggle with their self-esteem, feeling down and overwhelmed.

But there is help available.

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I feel different

Your sexuality and gender identity are part of who you are.

However you’re feeling, there is support available.

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School changes

Everyone feels scared or anxious about changes at school and changing schools.

There are things that can help.

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Staying healthy

Keeping healthy can help you deal with difficulties in life.

Develop a healthy mind and a healthy body.

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