When you talk to us, what you say is confidential.

Confidential means that we do not tell other people.

Everything that we talk about in our meetings or over the phone, or in your emails, will be kept private and confidential.

We will not share your information with other people, such as parents, teachers or social workers.

We might tell our managers so they can check our work, and we might make notes on our computers so we can remember our discussions.

But we will keep all of this information safe so other people outside of our team cannot see it.

The only time we will tell someone is if:

  • You give us permission by saying it is ok, or
  • We think that someone might be in danger of being hurt

In that case, we would need to tell someone to make sure that everyone is safe. We will talk to you about this before we do anything.

We keep information about you:

  • On paper which is kept in locked drawers in our office
  • On our database on our computer system

We can only do this because you, or your parents, have told us we can. We always ask for permission to do this.

If you want to see the information we keep about you, just get in touch. We will make sure you can see all this information.

If you want us to stop keeping information about you, tell us.

If you want us to delete your information, tell us.

Our confidentiality statement

Like many organisations, the Information Advice and Support Service Bromley will have written information as well as information on a database about you and/or your child. 

The reason we have this information is to help us to provide you with all the information and services that you are entitled to. 

The information that is kept about parents includes: name, address, telephone number, details of ethnicity (if provided by you) and a record of all of the contacts you have with the service. The information which is kept about your child includes child’s name, date of birth, gender, school, year group, ethnicity, area of special educational need and the relevant stage of the Code of Practice. You can view the information we hold about you or your child. If you wish to do so you can discuss this with the Information Advice and Support Service, Bromley Manager who will make a convenient appointment for you. 

All information you share with Information Advice and Support Service, Bromley staff or volunteers including Independent Volunteer Supporters is treated confidentially. Information will only be shared within the Information, Advice and Support Service, Bromley team in order to provide you with the best service possible. It is kept on a database managed by the Bromley Children Project. Other teams using this database will be able to see that IASS Bromley are supporting you and/or your child, but will not be able to see the details of the contacts we have had with you. There may be occasions when it would be beneficial to share information with schools and other services and this will be discussed with you and will only happen if you give your written consent. 

If information were requested from us about you or your child we would always contact you for consent before agreeing to share information. The only reason information will be passed on to anyone outside of the Information Advice and Support Service, Bromley without your consent is if there are concerns about a child protection issue. If this is the case, the Child Protection Policy of the Bromley Children Project will be followed. 

If you would like a copy of the Information Sharing Policy, the Child Protection Policy or any of our other policies please ask a member of the Information, Advice and Support Service, Bromley staff.