The Localism Act gives local voluntary and community groups the right to nominate a building or other land for listing by the local authority as an asset of community value. This could include their:

  • village shop
  • pub
  • community centre
  • library

Once an asset is listed the owner cannot dispose of it without letting the authority know. Community groups will then be given 6 weeks to decide if they want to make a bid. If they do, then there will be a 6 month moratorium period during which the owner cannot sell the asset. It is important to note that the owner does not have to sell the asset to the community group.

What is an asset of community value?

Land or a building is of community value if in the opinion of the local authority either:

  • The main use of the land or building furthers the social well-being or social interests of the local community and it is realistic to think that the main use can continue; or
  • the land or building has been used to further the social well-being or social interests of the local community in the recent past and it is realistic to consider will do so again during the next five years.

There are some categories of assets that are excluded from listing:

  • Residential property
  • Land licensed for use as a residential caravan site (and some types of residential caravan sites which do not need a licence)
  • Operational land of statutory undertakers.

Who can nominate?

Voluntary and community organisations with a local connection have the right to make community nominations of assets to be included on the list.

How can I make a nomination?

If you are interested in nominating an asset, please complete the assets of community value nomination form 2024 (PDF - 154.28 KB) and ensure that you read the guidance notes (PDF - 27.35 KB) before making a nomination.

Submit your completed form:

What happens next?

Once we have received your nomination form, we will check that the form is complete and that your group is eligible to nominate. If so, the nomination will be entered into the assessment process. We will then have 8 weeks to make a judgement about whether the asset meets the definition set out in Section 88 of the Act. The owners and any occupiers of the asset will be notified about the nomination. Once we have made a decision we will notify the owner and the nominating group and add the asset to either:

Bidding for an asset of community value

An expression of interest/ intention to bid can only be submitted for assets on our List of Assets of Community Value.

When an owner lets us know that they want to dispose of an asset on the List, we will: 

  • let the nominating group know.
  • publicise the owner’s intention in the local area.
  • amend the List of Community Assets to show the end dates of the interim and full moratorium periods and the protected period. 

How can I make a bid?

If a voluntary of community group wants to buy the asset, it has six weeks to let the council know. If a group wants to put a bid together to buy the site they will be given six months to do so, during which time the property cannot be sold.

If you are interested in making an expression of interest/intention to bid for an asset, please complete the assets of community value expression of interest form 2024 (PDF - 136.53 KB) and return before the interim moratorium end date entered on the List of Community Assets.

Submit your completed form:

What are the owner's rights?

We will notify the owner and any occupiers if an asset has been nominated. We will also notify the owner if the nomination has been successful or not and whether the asset has been listed.

If the owner objects to their property being placed on the list, they will have the right to an internal review by us of the decision to list. If the owner remains in disagreement about the listing after the internal review they have the right to appeal to an independent tribunal. 

Owners may claim compensation for loss and expense incurred through the asset being listed. The regulations provide for a claim arising from a period of delay in entering into a binding agreement to sell which is wholly caused by the interim or full moratorium period or from legal expenses incurred in a successful appeal to the tribunal.

Once an asset is listed the owner must let the authority know if they want to dispose of it. Community groups will then be given 6 weeks to decide if they want to make a bid. If they do, then there will be a 6 month moratorium period during which the owner cannot sell the asset. It is important to note that the owner does not have to sell the asset to the community group.

For more information please read the guidance for owners (PDF - 132.62 KB).