The following notice has been issued by the Office for Product Safety and Standards.

Facemoon Face Mask and Filters (sold via Amazon)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) - Facemask and filters

Country of origin

Product description
Described on the online platform as Safety Dust Face Cover, reusable Respirator Mask with 10 filters, safe Industrial Mask (Silicone Edible Material).

Face mask

Amazon ASIN

Listing name
Facemoon Face mask

Product identifier
GB 2626-2019 KN95

The product is claiming to protect the health of users, but there is no evidence that it has been conformity assessed against PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Corrective action
The product has been removed from the Amazon website and the customers have been notified of the withdrawal.

The manufacturer has been required to recall the product.

Full notice

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