Dog walking licence code of conduct

Code of conduct for dog walking licence holders.

  1. Respect all animals, the public, other dog walkers and the environment at all times.
  2. Always keep dogs in your care under control.
  3. Walk dogs from and to your vehicle on the lead.
  4. Do not let dogs off the lead in areas where this is restricted.
  5. Put a dog on the lead if an authorised officer instructs you to do so.
  6. Do not walk more than four dogs at any time.
  7. When walking four dogs your licence must be displayed in the fluorescent armband provided. (Please note that the licence is only applicable to the person named on the application and is not transferable to a third party).
  8. Ensure that all dogs in your care are microchipped and wearing a collar (The owner’s name and address must be shown on a tag attached to each dog’s collar).
  9. Clean up after dogs in your care and dispose of waste responsibly.
  10. Do not allow dogs under your control to enter areas where dogs are excluded.
  11. In date Public Liability Insurance with a minimum of £1 million of cover must be held or the dog walking licence will be invalidated.
  12. Be aware of up-to-date laws associated with dogs, local council byelaws and park management rules.

Failure to comply with this code of conduct could result in a £100 fixed penalty notice.

This code of conduct is subject to review at any time.