Traffic control
- Marshals shall receive instructions from the licensee for controlling, traffic, litter and noise prior to the sale.
- Entry and exit points to the sale should be clearly marked.
- Car park areas and supply/exit roads shall be clearly marked at all times throughout the sale.
- An adequate number of traffic marshals shall be on duty at all times throughout the sale. Marshals shall be at least 16 years of age and be clearly identifiable. Where there is any doubt, marshals shall show proof of age if requested.
- The licensee should take reasonable steps to ensure traffic on the site is restricted from speeding.
- The emergency exit gate and approach to it should be kept clear and operational throughout the sale. It should be marked ‘For emergency vehicles only’, and a designated person instructed to open it in the event of an emergency.
- Ropes, posts and similar materials used for demarcation of parking lanes and car park supply / exit roads shall not expose persons to risk of tripping.
- The licensee should take reasonable steps to prevent vehicles from driving on to areas of sloping land that may cause danger from drivers losing control of their vehicles. Where traffic is directed on to such land it should have been prepared with a suitable surface finish that is non slip.
- Areas designated for car parking and the supply/exit roads should be kept in good condition and not expose persons leaving of approaching their vehicles to risk of tripping or slipping. Where these areas have ground vegetation cover, they should be cut short prior to the sale.
Nuisance control
- The Licensee shall take reasonable steps to control noise from the sale that may cause nuisance to persons living in the local vicinity.
- Fly posting to advertise the sale within the borough should not be carried out without first obtaining written permission from the Licensing Authority.
- A suitable and sufficient number of litter bins should be provided at the sale. Rubbish from the site should be collected and removed by a competent person and taken to a local authority authorised rubbish disposal site.
- The Licensee shall take reasonable steps to ensure litter is prevented from leaving the site and to ensure the local highways are clear of litter from the sale.
- All buyers and sellers should be off the site within 30 minutes of the sale finishing.
- Where a sale is abandoned due to inclement weather, then all sellers and buyers vehicles shall be off the site within one hour of the stated time.
Displaying of information
- Sellers are required to display their names and addresses publicly at the sale. The licence holder shall take reasonable steps to ensure that information displayed is truthful.
- Names and addresses of stall holders shall be provided on standardised placards provided by the licensee. Placards should be at least 150mm x 100mm in size.
- Displayed information required in condition 17. Shall be posted where it can be easily read from the buyer’s side of the seller’s stall. Information shall be displayed at all times throughout the sale, protected from inclement weather and securely fastened against the effects of wind and tampering.
- Any requirements made at the site by the enforcing authority officer at the time of inspection shall be complied with.