Pavement licensing policy - Appendix 1

Site Notice for display by an applicant for a Pavement Licence. Issued under the Business and Planning Act 2020.

I/We (name of applicant),

Do hereby give notice that on (date of application) [I/we] have applied to London Borough of Bromley for a ‘Pavement Licence’ at:

(postal address of premises)

Known as

(name premises known by)

The application is for:

(brief description of application (e.g. outdoor seating to the front of the premises for serving of food and drink)

Any person wishing to make representations to this application may do so by writing, preferably by email, to:

Licensing Team

London Borough of Bromley

Stockwell Close Bromley


0208 313 4218

By: (last date for representations being the date 14 days starting from the day after the date the application is submitted to the local authority) (excluding public holidays)

The application and information submitted with it can be viewed on the council’s website.


Dated: (date the notice was placed which must be the same date as the date of application)