To run a sex shop, for example any premises selling sex toys, books or videos - you may need a licence from the local authority. To run a venue where explicit films are shown to members of the public, you also need a licence from the local authority.

However, you may apply to the local authority requesting them to waive the requirement of a licence.


Notes about sex entertainment venues and standard conditions.


The cost of an annual licence is £14,731 and an occasional licence is £1,473

Guidance notes

Sex shop and cinema licence guidance notes (EUGO) (PDF - 31.09 KB)

Apply for a licence

You can make and pay for your application online. When you make your application this way you only have to complete one set of forms and we will pass these on to all other responsible authorities for you.

By post


Address: Public Protection, Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 0300 303 8657