Guidance for the submission of return forms

  • A return form must be completed within 3 months of the date of the lottery draw.
  • Please complete all sections even if Nil amounts apply. Do not leave sections blank or the form may be returned.
  • Please supply a copy of the written appointment of the two members who have signed the Society Authorised Signatories section on page 2 of the form.
  • Please supply a copy of receipts if donating money to charities or organisations.
  • A minimum of 20 per cent from the gross proceeds must be used for the purposes described in A, B or C under the ‘Use of Society Proceeds’ section on the return form.

Licence reference number

Is the registration number we generate and assign to your society when you first register. A new number is created each year when the society renews their registration. This number is given in the confirmation of registration letter that we send out each year.

Name of society

Is the name you have chosen for your society when you first registered as a small society lottery.

Please ensure consistent use of the society name to avoid any confusion.

Registered address

This is the registered address of the Society.

Ticket details

Enter the dates when the tickets were available for sale and also the date of the draw.

Whole proceeds of lottery

Total: This is the total amount of money that the lottery has generated.

Details of expenses out of proceeds

This is where you enter the costs that have been incurred setting up the lottery such as having the tickets printed, stationery or for postage.

These expenses have been paid out of the lottery proceeds.

Other (please state):

An example would be “posters promoting lottery - £200.00” or “lottery registration £40”. This section is where you enter other costs that have been incurred but not covered in the above section. These expenses have been paid out of the lottery proceeds.

Details of expenses not out of proceeds (description and cost)

This is for expenses that have not been paid for out of the lottery proceeds. For example if a PTA decided to pay for the tickets to be printed out of their funds and not use the lottery proceeds then this would come under this section.

Purchased prizes out of proceeds (description and cost)

An example would be ‘Spa weekend cost £200.00’.

The prize or prizes will have been bought out of the proceeds of the lottery and not donated.

Donated prizes not out of proceeds (description and cost)

An example would be ‘Hamper Donated by M&S cost £100.00’.

These prizes would have been donated.

Although these amounts should not be included in the total proceeds of the lottery this information is required to comply with gambling commission requirements.

Use of society proceeds (must be a minimum of 20 per cent of the gross proceeds)

Section A and/or B and/or C. This is where you show how the lottery proceeds were used, which good causes received a donation and the amount they received.

Please supply a copy of receipts if donating money to charities or organisations.

The return form must be signed by two members of the society, appointed in writing for that purpose by the society’s governing body. A current appointment letter must accompany each return form.