Special treatments licence (premises)

Special Treatment Licences include any beauty treatment that involves massage, manicure, acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, chiropody, light treatments, electrical treatments and other similar treatments. It also includes saunas, steam rooms and other baths.


Type of licence/fee Amount
New application (Tattooing, piercing and lasers) £663.00
New application (All other treatments) £579.00
Annual renewal (Tattooing piercing and lasers) £333.00
Annual renewal (All other treatments) £287.00
Variation to treatments £83.00
Transfer of licence £167.00
Temporary licence (per month) £83.00
Copy of licence £39.00

Conditions relating to the licence

Every special treatment licence has standard conditions that must be adhered to. There are a set of standard conditions that apply to all premises and specific conditions relating to each treatment.

Please note: If you currently hold a licence, we will send you the new conditions when your licence is due for renewal.

Individual therapist registration

Every therapist that works within the borough will need to be registered with us, and you will not be able to work as a therapist without a registration. Find out about how to register as an individual therapist.

Please note: if you are mobile beautician and visit clients in their own homes then you do not require a licence.

Guidance notes

Notes about applying for a special treatments licence for premises (PDF - 49.91 KB)


Through our partnership with EUGO you can make and pay for your application online. When you make your application this way you only have to complete one set of forms and we will pass these on to all other responsible authorities for you.


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Address: Public Protection, Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 0300 303 8657