If you are receiving your pension and have any queries regarding your tax code or tax deduction please contact the payroll team.

In the event of my death what benefits will be paid?

If all of your scheme membership was before 1 April 2008 -  five year pension guarantee.

In the event that you die within 5 years of retirement, a death grant would be payable consisting of the balance of 5 years pension. This means that if for example you died 3 years after retirement a death grant of 2 years pension would be payable.  Therefore it is important that you print, complete and return the death grant expression of wish form (PDF - 118.57 KB) so that the council is aware of your wishes concerning who should receive this payment.

If you were an active member of the scheme after 31 March 2008 but retired before 1 April 2014 - ten year pension guarantee.

In the event that you die within 10 years of retirement, a death grant would be payable consisting of the balance of 10 years pension.  This means that if for example you died 3 years after retirement a death grant of 7 years pension would be payable.  Therefore it is important that you complete and return the death grant expression of wish form (PDF - 118.57 KB) so that the council is aware of your wishes concerning who should receive this payment.

If you were an active member of the scheme after 31 March 2014

In respect of pension based on scheme membership to 31 March 2014, the balance of 10 years’ pension (after any commutation to lump sum) would be payable as a death grant.  This means that if for example you died 3 years after retirement a death grant of 7 years of your pre-2014 pension would be payable.

In respect of pension based on scheme membership from 1 April 2014, the death grant would be 10 times the pre-commutation pension, less any commuted lump sum and less the pension already paid. Therefore it is important that you complete and return the death grant expression of wish form (PDF - 118.57 KB) so that the council is aware of your wishes concerning who should receive this payment. 

For further information relating to partner’s pension payable following death after retirement, please refer to the factsheet pensioners partners pension.

Download pensioners partners pension factsheet (PDF - 513.83 KB).


Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.