The weekly LHA rates from April 2024.

Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA)

Inner South East London (144) Calendar weekly

Outer South East London(151)
Calendar weekly

Shared accommodation                      £149.59 £138.08
1 bedroom £298.15 £241.64
2 bedrooms £356.71 £299.18
3 bedrooms £448.77 £356.71
4 bedrooms             £506.30 £414.22

The weekly LHA rates from April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA)

Inner South East London (144) Calendar weekly

Outer South East London(151)
Calendar weekly

Shared accommodation                      £118.87 £103.56
1 bedroom £264.66 £205.97
2 bedrooms £310.68 £253.15
3 bedrooms £385.48 £299.18
4 bedrooms             £506.30 £368.22

To calculate calendar monthly figure: weekly rates x 52 divided by 12.

Remember: you need to work out how many bedrooms you need and which Broad Rental Market Area (BRMA) you live in before deciding which LHA rate applies to you.

Please note: the LHA will be capped at the 4 bedroom rate even if your family size exceeds this.

If you need help to calculate how many bedrooms you need and to decide which BRMA you live in please contact us.

Alternatively visit the Valuation Office Agency (formerly the Rent Service) website for more information.

Housing benefit

Address: Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 0300 303 8670