Common land enquiries show whether the land is within common land and not owned by the public or other body.

What are town and village greens and common land?

A simple definition is very hard to give. However, common land does not mean that citizens own the land in common. Often it is a piece of privately owned land where 'through ancient arrangement' specified people other than the owner, called 'commoners', enjoy a legal right 'in common' (collectively) to profit from the land in specified ways.

A search (Q.22 of the Con29O) will show you if the property/land shown on your plan is within or abutting common land. 

Further information can be obtained from the Open Space Society 

If you need more information on the legal aspects of this subject, you should consult a solicitor. 

How to apply and cost

A common land enquiry is answered under question 22 of the CON290 form. The charge for each question on the form is:

  • £20.00 if submitted in addition to a CON29 form, or
  • £33.00 if submitted without a Con29 form (includes admin fee of £13)

Costs include VAT @ 20 percent.

Cheques should be made payable to LB Bromleyhowever due to hybrid working, unless submitted via one of the HUBs, our preferred method of payment is via debit/credit card with the forms and plan sent via email to Local land charges.

Local land charges

Address: Bromley Civic Centre, Churchill Court, 2 Westmoreland Road, Bromley, BR1 1AS.

Telephone: 020 8461 7909