What is the Bromley SEND Local Offer?

The Bromley SEND Local Offer provides a central hub of information and support for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (0 to 25 years) and their families. It offers clear guidance on educational, health, and social care services, as well as links to local organisations and activities.

Developed with community feedback, this resource also supports professionals working with families. To share your ideas or seek assistance, visit our share your views page, email localoffer@bromley.gov.uk, or complete the feedback form.

Stay updated with the latest SEND news by following the Bromley SEND Local Offer on Facebook, Instagram and X.

Understanding the SEND Local Offer

This video aims to give children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities information about the Local Offer.

Understanding the Graduated Approach

The video details how your school assesses a learner’s progress with their peers and when support may be recommended.

Preparing For Adulthood Outcomes

The Code of Practice tells us that from year nine, planning for a young person’s future should come under four main outcomes.