Households who are continuing to face severe financial hardship as a direct result of the impact of Covid-19 are being encouraged to apply for support from the Covid Essential Fund.

The discretionary grant scheme is designed to help with essential living costs, with the funding able to be used to purchase food, clothing or other living costs such as utility bills.  Residents can apply for a Covid Essential Fund grant whilst funds last, with each application individually assessed and treated on its own merits.  Applications on behalf of Bromley residents can also be made by suitable council staff including case workers, housing officers and care managers.  

Councillor Peter Morgan, Executive Councillor for Renewal, Recreation and Housing said, “We want to make sure that residents and businesses receive the funding they may be entitled to.  Whilst the national and local economy is recovering from the impact caused by the pandemic, we are encouraging residents who are continuing to face difficult ​financial situations because of the pandemic to get in touch.  We will then be able to assess applications in line with the criteria.”

The additional £141k funding is being given as part of the government’s COVID Essential Fund Scheme, with the initiative in operation until the end of September 2021.

Applicants do not necessarily need to be in receipt of benefits but as part of the application process, supporting evidence will be required, including proof of income and benefit entitlement.  Examples which could be considered include applicants who may have been furloughed, with their income reduced, or have faced redundancy or had working hours reduced.

A maximum of two grants will be paid to eligible households during the grant scheme period, subject to fund availability.  Once the application has been assessment and accepted, the council will then be able to arrange suitable payment, including vouchers for food for instance. 


For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Communications Executive, on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 4th August 2021