An area of land in St Mary Cray is being secured with heavy duty concrete barriers to prevent further illegal burning of waste.

Investigations are continuing into the illegal burning of waste on land off Star Lane in St Mary whilst work also takes place to secure the site, with a permanent solution also being brought forward.  The news follows reports of larger scale burning of suspected commercial waste in previous months.

Councillor Kate Lymer, Executive Councillor for Public Protection and Enforcement said, “We are aware of local concerns about this illegal burning and have dedicated resources to investigate this matter. Whilst we cannot always comment publicly about ongoing investigations, residents should know that we do take these reports seriously and will take action if appropriate and where we can. I do want to thank the police for their support, with this whole matter also being looked by the Environment Agency.”

The burning of controlled waste is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, however, this type of activity should not be confused with smaller scale residential bonfires. The lighting of bonfires however, whilst not illegal, can cause a statutory nuisance, and should officers witness an offence, the council can take action under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, which could lead to prosecution.


For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Communications Executive on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 10th September 2020