Cllr Diane Smith, Executive Member for Adult Care and Health, (left) and Cllr Colin Smith, Leader of Bromley Council (right) after having their booster jabs, pictured with Morag Harvey, Bromley Civic Centre Vaccination Site Manager.

Bromley residents implored to come forward now, whether for the first, second or third time to protect themselves, their loved ones and others never even met.

Dear residents of Bromley,

I am extremely sorry to have to write to you in such terms at what should be the happiest time of year, but needs must.

In short, may I absolutely plead with any of you who have yet to be jabbed, whether for the first, second or third time to come forward at this time to protect yourselves, your loved ones and indeed, others you have never even met and never will.

All expert advice instructs us that although the potency of Omicron compared to previous strains has yet to be confirmed, and that it will still take a week or two of investigation to establish that fact, we are standing on the cusp of becoming engulfed in an extremely unpleasant event which will kill innocent people and make others extremely sick on a long-term basis.

The simple fact remains that the more people who are vaccinated, the lower the number will be of those who suffer.

Please, whatever your reasons to date have been, now is the time to take the plunge, do the right thing by everybody else, get your jab, and become part of the solution that will help to save lives the length and breadth of our borough.

There is still time, but it is dwindling fast, so don’t delay and make that booking today.

Please also continue to wear those masks, wash your hands regularly, and keep a gap from other people wherever possible, particularly in indoor settings.

And of course, please try and enjoy Christmas and the New Year as best you possibly can, despite everything.

Let’s raise a glass to a much happier and more successful 2022 all round!

With my kindest regards,

Councillor Colin Smith

Leader of Bromley Council

Picture shows: Cllr Diane Smith, Executive Member for Adult Care and Health, (left) and Cllr Colin Smith, Leader of Bromley Council (right) after having their booster jabs, pictured with Morag Harvey, Bromley Civic Centre Vaccination Site Manager.


Published: 13th December 2021