Bromley businesses have again voted YES for the town centre Business Improvement District ballot.

The voting approval for a Business Improvement District (BID) in Bromley town centre continues to give businesses a greater say in how the town is managed and follows the previous YES vote in 2015.  The outcome of the 4 week ballot period, which is subject to a challenge period, saw a majority of businesses voting for the BID proposal.  The total number of votes cast was 156, representing a turnout of 29.7 per cent.  In total, 85.8 per cent voted in favour, representing 90.7 per cent of the rateable value of votes cast.

“This is welcome news for Bromley town centre and congratulations to the Your Bromley BID team and the businesses involved.  Whilst the pandemic has made for very challenging business conditions with the impact on our town centres evident, we need businesses to be successful and the continuation of the BID in its vital role is now even more important” said Councillor Peter Morgan, Executive Councillor for Renewal and Recreation.

Frances Forrest, the Your Bromley BID Manager said, “We are delighted Bromley businesses have voted for another term of the BID.  We will now start implementing our business plan, including the continuation of the many business services we already have in place and new initiatives around corporate social responsibility, bringing Bromley’s heritage to life and safely attracting visitors to the town.  We will also continue to support businesses through the lifting of lockdown, helping them prepare for reopening.”

The BID ballot zone included the whole of the High Street, Elmfield Road, the Bromley North Village area and both The Glades and Bromley Mall.  Your Bromley BID will continue to run for a further five years. 

The news about Bromley will mean that the borough will continue to have four BID areas, including Beckenham, Bromley, Orpington and Penge.


For media enquiries, please contact Andrew Rogers, Communications Executive, on 020 8461 7670 or email

Published: 26th February 2021