Residents, local businesses and community groups are reminded to have their say on a consultation to help guide the review of Bromley’s Local Plan before it closes.

The submission deadline is Friday 30 June, which ends the nine-week consultation period. Submission can easily be completed online, by email or in writing, with details available at  

The Local Plan sets out local planning policies for the whole borough and is a key document when determining local planning applications. This early consultation looks at the issues and options to be considered in the Local Plan review. Further consultation will also be held later in the review process.

Councillor Yvonne Bear, Executive Councillor for Renewal, Recreation and Housing said: “I want to thank all those who have already provided their valuable feedback in this consultation that will help to direct our review and ensure we focus in on the issues that are most important for local communities. There is so much that makes our borough special, from our open green spaces and impressive heritage sites, to attractive housing and thriving town centres. Planning policy is vital to protecting all these elements while still encouraging regeneration and development that is suited to Bromley. I hope all those who have not responded will do so now, so that we can consider as many opinions as possible as part of the review process.”

The current Local Plan was adopted in January 2019 following an extensive process and multiple rounds of consultation. The Council is required to review the plan every five years, which helps to ensure that it reflects the Council’s current social, environmental and economic priorities, including those outlined in the latest Corporate Strategy, as well as recent changes to national and London-wide planning policy.

The consultation document sets out information on the current Local Plan policy approach across a range of topics, notes relevant changes since the adoption of the Local Plan and sets out how the new Local Plan could respond to these changes. The document includes a number of questions for each topic area, with views encouraged from residents around these key issues, although responses are not required to address these questions in particular.

Find out more by viewing the consultation document online or at the Civic Centre by appointment.


For media enquiries, please contact James George, Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8313 4565 or email

Published: 26th June 2023