Many traders claim to be members of or approved by various organisations in a wide range of services. This can include the London Borough of Bromley and trading standards ourselves.

Association with a trusted organisation or brand is attractive as it indicates reliability as well as other benefits. However, this can also lead to the misuse of logos on advertisements, vehicles, boards, websites, paperwork, social media, uniforms, etc.

We advise you to always check with the organisation directly, e.g. on their website, to confirm that the trader is associated with them. You can report any concerns to trading standards below:

Report and assistance

Contact Citizens Advice for help and advice and to report incidents on 0808 223 1133 or Contact the consumer helpline – Citizens Advice.

Or report to trading standards at

Visit for more advice.

Find at reputable trader at Trading Standards Checked (


Bromley trading standards

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Bromley trading standards also runs a fair-trader directory to help you find a safe, reliable trader that you can trust, visit to learn more.

Published: 7th August 2023