Friends of Parks groups are being thanked for their support following the Green Flag recognition for the Borough’s parks.

The Green Flag Awards, which represent an independent quality mark for Bromley’s parks, are testament to the ongoing partnership work of Friends of Parks groups with idverde and the council. The winners of the Green Flag Awards 2023 include nine parks and green spaces in the borough, including Chislehurst Commons, which is managed by a Board of Trustees.

Councillor Aisha Cuthbert, Executive Councillor for Environment says, “Our borough is rightly proud of its much-loved green spaces and the Green Flag Awards testify to the quality of these spaces. This successful outcome is also as a result of partnership working, including over many years, and I want to pay tribute to all our Friends of Parks who continue to do so much in support of their local park.” 

Larry Herbert, Chairman of the Friends Forum says, “The Bromley Friends Forum is the umbrella organisation for the 56 active Friends Groups in the borough and supports the hundreds of Friends volunteers, whose hard work and dedication makes our parks and green spaces welcoming and safe places to visit. The Forum is delighted to see a number of our parks recognised by the Green Flag Award and will work in partnership with the council and idverde to see that number increased over the coming years. 

Among the winners of the Green Flag Awards 2023 are:

Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, Chief Executive of Keep Britain Tidy says “At Keep Britain Tidy, we’re very proud of the Green Flag Award - a crucial component in ensuring the continuing quality of our parks and green spaces, making sure they are managed to the highest standards and are safe and accessible. Parks play a key role in the health and wellbeing of the nation, not only in the physical and mental health of us all, but also in the environmental health of the planet.”

In 2023, a record number of parks received the award, with 2,216 locations proudly flying their flags, the largest number in their 27-year history. The Green Flag Award Scheme is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces. Since 1996, the scheme has seen successful submissions from local authorities and other land managers across the country for a range of sites, from world-famous city parks to small, local green spaces.


Editor’s Notes:

  • The Green Flag Award Scheme, is managed by Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
  • Keep Britain Tidy is a leading environmental charity, who set the standard for the management of parks and beaches, inspire people to be litter-free, to waste less and live more sustainably.
  • To find out more about Keep Britain Tidy, their campaigns and programmes, visit

For media enquiries, please contact Justin Brown, Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8461 7872 or email

Published: 19th September 2023