This October, a range of events held by Bromley SEND Partnership will be spotlighting the achievements of children and young people in Bromley who have special educational needs and disabilities.

Bromley SEND stars celebration month is a well deserved celebration of the hard work of families, service providers, carers, school staff and communities that make a difference to the lives of the children and young people in Bromley’s SEND community.

Events include a webinar to learn and share with professionals and families, a marketplace showcasing local services, an exciting range of October half term events for children and young people with SEND and a special invitation only event to celebrate our ‘SEND Stars’.

Cllr Kate Lymer, Executive Councillor for Children, Education and Families said, “Bromley’s SEND community is a magnificent example of the value of community and support, where hard work and commitment helps our children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to reach their potential and access opportunities to help them pursue their goals to the fullest. Bromley’s SEND celebration month is a great opportunity to reflect on the hard work families, professionals and services provide in Bromley and an opportunity to learn more about our SEND Stars who change lives every day, so be sure to get involved where you can.”

Notes to Editors:

A list of the forthcoming events include:

A SEND network champions webinar which provides an opportunity to learn, share and network with SEND professionals and families from across the borough.

A SEND Post 16 education, training and employment event at Bromley United Reformed Church to learn and help preparations for young people with SEND and their families for the transition into adulthood.

A Local Offer Market Place event available for anyone to stop by and learn more about the support and services available across Bromley for people with SEND and their families.

A range of half term activities in October will also be on offer for children and young people with SEND. This specialist provision will offer short break opportunities to get involved with enjoyable experiences away from primary carers, providing respite for carers and social inclusion, and personal development for children and young people with SEND.

For the finale of the month-long showcase, a special event will be held at The Warren to celebrate Bromley’s ‘SEND Stars’ who have been nominated and shortlisted for their contributions to the SEND community and showcases of inspirational personal achievements from people with SEND.


  • For media enquiries, please contact Susie Clark in Corporate Communications, on 020 8461 7911 or email

Published: 3rd October 2023